

Project Partner’s meeting in Bulgaria

event 12

Bulgarian Association of Recycling, CircPro’s Bulgarian partner, hosted on the 18th and 19th of February 2020, in Sofia, a 2-day event that gathered multiple partners and stakeholders. “Good practices and challenges in recycling – WEEE and other materials” roundtable took…

International E-Waste Day on October 14th!

International e-waste day

International E-Waste Day has been developed by the WEEE Forum, an international association of e-waste collection organisations. The Day seeks to encourage users to consider repairing their appliances or correctly disposing of them with the resulting increase in re-use, recovery…

Second partner meeting under the CircPro in Spain

Second partner meeting under the CircPro in Spain

Our Spanish partner, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development – Regional Government of Andalusia, hosted the 2-day event that gathered multiple partners, stakeholders and high-level speakers. Welcoming words for the first day were given by Francisco José Gutiérrez…

“A new way for Europe or an ecological catastrophe”


In the month of January, the European Commission presented its vision for the future of the plastic by calling Europe to transform the waste into an economic opportunity. According to the new strategy, all plastic packagings are to be recycled…